Anyone able to convert RPM to DEB for mikrotik internet usage data-traffic viewer?
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 4:34 pm
This guy has coded a wonderful python tool to show Internet Usage per interface for Mikrotik routers;
But I'm not proficient enough in both python or his redhat based packaging scheme to reverse engineer it for use in debian based systems, which I would prefer to use it in/for. Nor do I like to run it as a docker engine, as he made one for it.
Anyone here able to convert it for me?
Oh, sorry, he posted on this forum years ago; viewtopic.php?p=918232
But I'm not proficient enough in both python or his redhat based packaging scheme to reverse engineer it for use in debian based systems, which I would prefer to use it in/for. Nor do I like to run it as a docker engine, as he made one for it.
Anyone here able to convert it for me?
Oh, sorry, he posted on this forum years ago; viewtopic.php?p=918232