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Hardware Failure??? SXT R11e-LTE

Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:28 pm

Hi new to the forum as my SXT R11e-LTE has performed perfectly for over two years without missing a beat.
I really hope someone will be able to help with my query. apologies if i have posted in the wrong channel.

Today it suddenly will not receive any 4G signal, even when scanning it will not list any 4G networks from any providers.

However, if I disable LTE it will receive and connect to a 3G signal from my provider EE.

Upgraded to latest firmware
put EE sim card in mobile phone - connects to 4G at the location no problem
enabled all potential EE channels (previously was set to channel 3 only)
added O2 sim to SXT, only connects to 3G network on O2
Taken apart to inspect for water / insect damage - nothing of note.

is it possible that there is a problem with the LTE card that allows it to continue working on 3G but no longer on 4G? Has anyone experienced this before?

many thanks
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Re: Hardware Failure??? SXT R11e-LTE

Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:08 pm

We have had the same issue across over a hundred R11e-LTE, starting arbitrarily for each unit on either Tuesday the 5th or Wednesday the 6th, but we also several still working just fine.

Our ones drop down to 3G after receiving registration status: denied from LTE, we are also with EE based provider and have sent info to their engineers. We have also set up a brand new unit with a brand new sim and that is having the same issue.

It seems due to the scale of the issue that EE changed something? Somewhere? But that's just a guess. I'll post here if we get anything back from the engineers.
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Re: Hardware Failure??? SXT R11e-LTE

Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:09 pm

I've had the exact same issue across the 3 devices I have, all three are using different routeros versions, and they were all working previously. Been trying to hunt down this issue for days. Please help. Also using EE.
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Re: Hardware Failure??? SXT R11e-LTE

Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:06 pm

We found that updating the firmware fixed the issue, it seems EE changed something? Still waiting on a report from the engineers.
/in lte fireware-upgrade lte1 upgrade=yes
To assist with downloading during the flip flopping of the connection on remote sites we found setting the network mode to gsm,3g sped up the process
/in lte set lte1 network-mode=gsm,3g

Hopefully or sim distributer will get back to us, as our other providers do not seem to have this problem.

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