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Capsman reduce txpower - what value?

Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:37 pm


I have a capsman network at home using 4 CAP ac (RBcAPGi-5acD2nD)

I have a lot of overlap and I believe that reducing the tx power would improve the device roaming between the caps.

I took a look on the Wiki, and I couldn't find a proper value to use, actually, there was a lot of warnings regarding the risks of damaging the radio interface. ... _can_I_use?

I saw someone suggesting, to use the value "10", I tried this (Capsman > Channels > Channel tx power), and I'm not sure if its coincidence or not but the device distribution between caps now looks a lot better. Most devices are pretty close to the caps, but now I went back to the default until I have this information clear.
What would be a good tx power value for a cap in the same room of the devices?

Can someone please confirm whats is the tx power that this hardware supports? (Also whats the txpower allowed for Brazil)?

Thank you!
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Re: Capsman reduce txpower - what value?

Thu Mar 14, 2024 6:22 pm

the TX Power you need depends on your individual circumstances, for example walls, other obstacles, channel congestion (neighbors), other Wifi Protocols (Zigbee), etc.
I'm running 2 Cap ACs and my TX power is setup that way, that if a client moves towards the 2nd AP, the signal strenght is about -68/70 dbm. This avoids sticky clients and helps to handover more easily.

I really can recommend you this talk: ... 209343.pdf

Hope this helps :)
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Re: Capsman reduce txpower - what value?

Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:48 pm

Make I throw a wild suggestion in the group ?

Those cap ac's can perfectly run wave2 drivers since 7.13.
Combine that with capsman and you will get quite sweet roaming... no need anymore to tweak radio power settings.
Also, wave2 on cap ac results in far better wifi connections.

Just saying.
Be advised those cap ac's should not be running anything else, purely AP and nothing else because of their limited storage space.