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Mouse over devices

Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:04 pm


Any idea to deactivate the graph who appears with the mouse over a device?
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Re: Mouse over devices

Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:02 am

I'm not sure you can. Or I don't know how at least.

You can change the REST of the "tooltip" contents in server's "settings", "map" tab. But... the graph of services is just there even without any tooltip defined.
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Re: Mouse over devices

Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:16 am

I tried, and indeed, the graph continues to appear :-(

In fact, i use a monitoring with a screen and a computer on W10, with autostart and on each boot, the windows mouse, not used is on strict center.
And, logic, i have always a device located right under the mouse :lol: (Average 100 devices with fit zoom)

So, I try to either make the mouse disappear or make the graphic disappear.

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