The burned resistors and diode seem to be part of the gate drive circuit of a power MOSFET or IGBT which got shorted too. The unknown chip could be a PWM or PFC controller, if pin 1 is upper right then quite a few PFC controllers (L6562 for example) have gate drive output on pin 7 (between ground on pin 6, and power on pin 8 ).
Also check out
viewtopic.php?p=856559 for instructions how to replace the failed power supply with an external one, just +24V DC is sufficient if you don't need 48V PoE. Or try to order a replacement - not cheap but could save you a few hours of work.
If I guessed right and it's an active PFC, you could try to bypass it (remove the shorted MOSFET) and the next PWM stage might work at slightly lower voltage (not boosted by PFC, just peak rectified from the mains - PFC is mostly there for compliance with harmonics regulations to make the power utility company happy) if you don't try to load it to the max power. It may or may not work, it really depends on the design though.