05:32:11 dns,error cache full, not storing [ignoring repeated messages]
05:32:26 dns,error cache full, not storing
05:32:26 dns,error cache full, not storing [ignoring repeated messages]
05:32:49 dns,error cache full, not storing
05:33:38 dns,error cache full, not storing
05:33:38 dns,error cache full, not storing [ignoring repeated messages]
05:33:58 dns,error cache full, not storing
05:33:58 dns,error cache full, not storing [ignoring repeated messages]
05:34:14 dns,error cache full, not storing
05:34:14 dns,error cache full, not storing [ignoring repeated messages]
05:36:54 dns,error cache full, not storing
05:36:54 dns,error cache full, not storing [ignoring repeated messages]
05:37:57 dns,error cache full, not storing
05:37:57 dns,error cache full, not storing [ignoring repeated messages]
05:38:49 dns,error cache full, not storing
05:40:23 dns,error adlist read: max cache size reached
05:40:23 dns,error adlist read: could not add name, stopping
I have 131064 cache size with cache used 71102 and file entry of 644741 and a TTL of 7 days.
The problem has stopped and blocking still seems to work, thoughts welcome
# Last modified: 13 Jul 2024 03:23 UTC
# Version: 2024.0713.0323.31
# Syntax: Hosts (including possible subdomains)
# Number of entries: 644741
I've increased cache size to 150000kib it was 131064kib is that enough?
1 url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hagez ... timate.txt" ssl-verify=no match-count=240278 name-count=1
use-doh-server: https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query
verify-doh-cert: yes
doh-max-server-connections: 10
doh-max-concurrent-queries: 100
doh-timeout: 6s
allow-remote-requests: yes
max-udp-packet-size: 4096
query-server-timeout: 2s
query-total-timeout: 10s
max-concurrent-queries: 1000
max-concurrent-tcp-sessions: 40
cache-size: 150000KiB
cache-max-ttl: 1w
address-list-extra-time: 0s
vrf: main
cache-used: 71132KiB
uptime: 1w2d19h55m19s
version: 7.16beta4 (testing)
build-time: 2024-07-02 12:47:41
factory-software: 7.5
free-memory: 520.7MiB
total-memory: 1024.0MiB
cpu: ARM64
cpu-count: 4
cpu-frequency: 864MHz
cpu-load: 1%
free-hdd-space: 72.9MiB
total-hdd-space: 128.0MiB
write-sect-since-reboot: 281301
write-sect-total: 3333389
bad-blocks: 0%
architecture-name: arm64
board-name: hAP ax^2
platform: MikroTik