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Upgrading devices from Dude

Wed Sep 25, 2024 1:44 pm

Hey everyone,

As of today, I'm trying to upgrade some devices from 7.15.3 to 7.16 using The Dude's upgrade feature. The Dude runs on a CHR VM in a VPS provider, with some VPN connections to the remote site.

I do not know why, but on the Upgrade status, file uploads are hanging / stuck, and I needed a few tries to actually upgrade some devices.
I've tried with the VPN IP and with the WAN IP of the router, the issue remains.

Also - is it normal if I have devices arranged into a group, and click upgrade again, the Dude tries to upgrade those devices as well, which are already on 7.16?

Thank you very much!
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Re: Upgrading devices from Dude

Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:20 pm

If you do "Upgrade" it just downloads the packages AFAIK, so a reboot of the device is what's needed get the applied. If you use "Force Upgrade" that will cause it be applied. AFAIK, you do need all of the package, including any extra-packages in same folder (assuming your device uses them, but with wifi-qcom-* that almost always true).
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Re: Upgrading devices from Dude

Fri Nov 08, 2024 1:41 am

My experience with upgrading devices from Dude:
Just click on one router at a time and "upgrade".
Upgrading group failed miserably. Dude just send firmware to all routers without any sequence or delay. First router who get firmware (closest to Dude) immediately starts reboot, so f*ck all others, who was slow!
My topology is rings with one or several uplinks to central site, where Dude runs. So no. One time was enough for such "automagical" feature.
by the way, i did upgrade from 7.15.[1,2] to 7.16.1 and few routers just lost ospf part of config, whole ospf instance, areas, templates.
Very strange. Many others survive upgrade.
P.S. First reboot starts automatically, but you need manually reboot each router second time for routerboard fw. upgrade. Or just leave it until next time.