(I'm assuing this pool is for prefix delegations to happen from. Right now, I create two pools: one for the PPPoE link to have /64's carved out of, and one for prefix delegation for /56's to get carved out of. Generally, I don't change what pool you get assignments from based on what customer you are. Just for clarity, the pools that the PPPoE server use are manually configured. The only thing auto configured should be the PPPoE client.)this attribute is not working.
Idea is - you set up DHCP-PD-client on your PPPoE server and get dynamic pool. Then you can set pool name in RADIUS from where prefixes has to be given out using Mikrotik-Delegated-IPv6-Pool.
Hm, I will say that right now that delegating prefixes to clients works, with no special IPv6 related attributes set on their radius profile.this attribute is not working.
If that is set, PPPoE-Server will automatically add DHCP-PD server on PPPoE interface and as a result, your pppoe client will be able to (if capable) to get prefix via DHCP-PD client
+1I'm thinking that more useful will be support for Delegated-IPv6-Prefix in the accept message because we need assign IPv6 prefixes in managed way from RADIUS server.
The router when receive Delegated-IPv6-Prefix in the accept message creates a dynamic pool and this pool is then assigned to a dynamic DHCPv6-PD server on the top of the accepted PPPoE connection...
Nice will be too support for Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool (RFC6911) in the same way how is used the private Mikrotik-Delegated-IPv6-Pool attribute.
Any news? We are ready to participate in testing.for ipv6 there are no accounting attributes for RADIUS server. Will check what can be done in that regard.
+1+1 PPPoE IPv6 accounting
+1+1 PPPoE accounting
+1+1 PPPoE accounting
We really need
to set this field via RADIUS manually.
We can't assign the name via RADIUS.
We need to assign the specific /64 prefix via RADIUS.
Otherwise we have to log onto each router, add a pool with a specific name, and then add the RADIUS group against the customer.
This is an extra step which could be fixed if the RADIUS attribute could accept an actual IPv6 prefix.
We need to assign the specific /64 (for one host) or /56 (router+network behind router) prefix via RADIUS.
and IPV6 Radius accounting information.
Without this feature we a not start testing IPV6 on our ISP network.
any news?for ipv6 there are no accounting attributes for RADIUS server. Will check what can be done in that regard.
+1any news?for ipv6 there are no accounting attributes for RADIUS server. Will check what can be done in that regard.
Ubiquity Edge-Router (EdgeOS) are Debian / Vyatta based. You can 'apt-get install $missing-packets'. Perhaps this is an option for someone. EdgeOS is really Free Open Source Software in oposite to RouterOS.accel-ppp 1.11.0 is released, my PPPoE servers are aging RB1100AH's and I was hoping to replace them with nice new CCR's but now considering setting up good old Debian boxes with accel-ppp + BIRD (to redistribute PPPoE clients IPs by OSPF).
And yet again nothing in the changelogs, sigh...MikroTik RouterOS 6.37 has support for the following PPP attributes,
YES.Great! Make please support "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix"
These attributes are supported long time, but still is missing Delegated-IPv6-Prefix as most important!MikroTik RouterOS 6.37 has support for the following PPP attributes,
To achive this you configure every client manually?thanks, this script could be usefull .... i had same idea, store information about used prefix/pppoe user from routing table ... prefer static ipv6 delegated prefix, most of our client prefer same address (static AAAA dns etc ... )
We send a Framed-IPv6-Prefix (static) per customer. MT then sets up a static route once the client connects via link-local, and the customer is informed of his prefix and can manually configure the prefix on his side as the customer wants to. No need for DHCPv6, no need for Remote-IPv6-Prefix on the BRAS (when MT BRAS is used in any case). Nothing other than the single radius attribute required on the MT BRAS.To achive this you configure every client manually?
You use the billing? Approximately how many subscribers you have? We have over 3000 subscribers - Framed-IPv6-Prefix (static) per kustomer - it's a big problem for us because our billing support Delegated-IPv6-Prefix, not Framed-IPv6-Prefix .We send a Framed-IPv6-Prefix (static) per customer.To achive this you configure every client manually?
AAA Servers combine all different types of accounting, and the combined accounting is used for billing. So whether it's IPv4, or IPv6, it makes no difference to us. A byte, is a byte, is a byte, no differentiation, or distinction between IPv4 and IPv6 from a billing perspective (although we still can if we want to by making some changes on the AAA server policies).You use the billing?We send a Framed-IPv6-Prefix (static) per customer.To achive this you configure every client manually?
+1+1 PPPoE IPv6 accounting
...this is a very big crutch for a broken leg3K customers with a static /57 means you need less than a /45. ISP's generally get assigned a /32 (to start with), which can accommodate 33,554,432 /57'ss or 16,777,216 /56's if you want to go that way rather...
On x86 (physical or virtual) you can run your favourite Linux distro + BIRD or Quagga + accel-ppp which has Delegated-IPv6-Prefix support. It takes more work to set up, but the software is free (both as in freedom and as in beer) - that's what I plan to do when my patience waiting for Mikrotik to implement this feature runs out.I'm sad .... now we try to get some informations about Cisco XRv and use it in VMware esxi like pppoe concentrator. But I'm afraid about high price.
Mikrotik, please give us some hope. Thanks
Yes, it works, but our local FBRSolution:
Ok thank you for solution. I'll transfer idea to our testing department.Yes, it is static
Yes, it is terrible solution, but is very easy to prepare it.If you have a thousand PPPoE users you want to give static /64 IPv6 delegations you must create a thousand pools on the Mikrotik to match.
Also, is IPv6 accounting of an sort working yet?
In most billing systems, you can assign a prefix in the user account and send it as the Radius attribute. It's simple and it should work!We need from Mikrotik to create dynamic ipv6 pools based on delegated-ipv6-prefix and pair it with implemented PD.
With attribute is used in billing system? I mean it is IPv6 framed prefix ... but when is used, you need to configure each customers CPE IPv6 manually and this is the issue. Life is more simple if you used delegated ipv6 prefix (or use mikrotik "hack" with pools - you didn't need to configure DHCPv6 PD on CPE manually (most of our customers have own routers and PD must be used from CPE to customers home network).you can assign a prefix in the user account and send it as the Radius attribute.
I can generate more than 1000 pools in few minutes. I used http://www.gestioip.net/cgi-bin/subnet_calculator.cgi, generate 1024 pools of /56 networks, use awk/crop/echo in bash command line and I have 1024x /56 subnets prepared to import in routerOS in one minute. Import it to all pppoe concentrator, make ospf to work and it is done. (be aware to ospf storm when clients are connect/reconnect ... use stub areas)Sorry, but creating dynamic ipv6 pools on Mikrotik manually or using scripts is a lot of work and a nightmare in support.
pool6 refused acquire: bad preferred prefix
my dhcp reports this error, anyone with this problem?
Which client router are you testing with ?Has anyone managed to work with radius delivering the prefix-delegation to the client router, using the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix attribute? It still does not work here.
We are testing through pppoe.RADIUS should not "deliver the delegation to the client router", instead it should somehow configure the DHCPv6 server on the router to hand out a specified prefix to the client instead of just any available prefix. Do you see any visible indication that it has done this when the client router connects? Are you testing this with PPPoE or just plain IPv6/DHCP?
They now officially list support: https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:R ... ess-Accept
"Delegated-IPv6-Prefix - IPv6 Prefix. Added in v6.43"
Verify that under IPv6->Addresses the PPPoE client is getting an IPv6 link local address assigned. If not, it is because IPv6CP negotiation is not happening, this happens if IPv6 was set to "no" in the profile on the client side, and in this case a DHCPv6 server will not be created.CCR1016-12G 6.43.1 - "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" attribute for PPPoE not work.
Billing gives radius attributes, but the router does not create a dynamic DHCP IPV6 server
In my case, in version 6.42.7 with the same configuration on cliente router , when i set only ipv6-framed to be delivery by radius and use Mikrotik-Delagated-IPv6-Pool to use a pool created on Mikrotik, works fine.Verify that under IPv6->Addresses the PPPoE client is getting an IPv6 link local address assigned. If not, it is because IPv6CP negotiation is not happening, this happens if IPv6 was set to "no" in the profile on the client side, and in this case a DHCPv6 server will not be created.CCR1016-12G 6.43.1 - "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" attribute for PPPoE not work.
Billing gives radius attributes, but the router does not create a dynamic DHCP IPV6 server
Since it is a new option, I'm also not sure if in the concentrator's PPP profile you perhaps need to choose the DHCPv6 PD pool option along with a "default" pool that it should assign from if the customer has no Delegated-IPv6-Prefix?
I wonder if the reason it stopped working is because they added the new attribute: Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-PoolI hoped with this option, I could deliver both the prefix for the ppp connection and the prefix-delagation through the radius.
But this does not happen, and the attribute that worked in version 6.42.7, stopped working in version 6.43. That is the question.
I try Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool and have the same situation.I wonder if the reason it stopped working is because they added the new attribute: Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-PoolI hoped with this option, I could deliver both the prefix for the ppp connection and the prefix-delagation through the radius.
But this does not happen, and the attribute that worked in version 6.42.7, stopped working in version 6.43. That is the question.
The old attribute Mikrotik-Delegated-IPv6-Pool may no longer be needed (since it is the same thing as Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool) and they have removed it? Or maybe they didn't mean to remove it, but adding the new attribute Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool that does the same thing somehow unintentionally broke the old one.
Try using Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool instead of Mikrotik-Delegated-IPv6-Pool
On client side PPPoE client is getting an IPv6 link local address assigned - fe80::f/64 and nothing Global IPV6Verify that under IPv6->Addresses the PPPoE client is getting an IPv6 link local address assigned. If not, it is because IPv6CP negotiation is not happening, this happens if IPv6 was set to "no" in the profile on the client side, and in this case a DHCPv6 server will not be created.
Since it is a new option, I'm also not sure if in the concentrator's PPP profile you perhaps need to choose the DHCPv6 PD pool option along with a "default" pool that it should assign from if the customer has no Delegated-IPv6-Prefix?
That's because the use-radius option was only added in 6.43, it did not exist in 6.42.7. This difference is not a mistake, it is only different because the setting did not exist before.Another thing I realized was that in version 6.42.7, mikrotik creates the dynamic dhcp-server without the use-radius option, while version 6.43, it creates the dynamic dhcp-server with the use-radius=no option.
In which version will be support the "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" attribute for PPPoE ? Very much needed.You are trying to use it with PPP service. Currently such feature is not supported.
I dont understand why the Mikrotik-IPv6-Delagated-Pool stop to working in this version while workinkg in previous version, if Mikrotik only introduces the new features for dhcp.6.43 version introduces this feature for DHCP service. You are trying to use it with PPP service. Currently such feature is not supported.
It is not only Mikrotik-Delegated-IPv6-Pool that doesn't work. DHCPv6 prefix delegation over PPP tunnels is completely broken and doesn't work even if you don't use any IPv6 RADIUS attributes. The simple standard configuration of setting the "DHCPV6 PD Pool" in the PPP profile does not work, the client cannot get a DHCPv6 prefix. I do not understand why this is not fixed yet. It is not even possible currently to use this new version for the MikroTik IPv6 engineer training because the config for the training would not work.I dont understand why the Mikrotik-IPv6-Delagated-Pool stop to working in this version while workinkg in previous version, if Mikrotik only introduces the new features for dhcp.6.43 version introduces this feature for DHCP service. You are trying to use it with PPP service. Currently such feature is not supported.
Sounds weird to me!
Yes, the same thing is happening to all of us. It has been broken for three weeks now, since 6.43 was released. It essentially breaks IPv6 services for clients.Good afternoon everyone,
In fact, in my tests, the DHCPv6 PD pool no longer works. Either by mikrotik in the ppp profile or via radius the way I used it here.
I have done all the tests in this version, this option is not functional, the DUAL-STACK clients do not receive the prefix via DHCPv6 via DP pool.Pv6 via DP pool
*) dhcpv6-server - recreate DHCPv6 server binding if it is no longer within prefix pool when rebinding/renewing;
I did a test yesterday, it worked again as it worked in version 6.42.7, but I still can not get radius to assign the pools, it is still necessary to create the pools in mikrotik. In my understanding nothing new, since the interests us is the full integration with the radius, not to create several pools in Mikrotik and only point these pools in radius.Looks like it is fixed in the 6.44 beta:
*) dhcpv6-server - recreate DHCPv6 server binding if it is no longer within prefix pool when rebinding/renewing;
Does this mean 6.44 will finally support running a dual-stack PPPoE server with RADIUS auth? Or are these fixes still only for DHCP?Looks like it is fixed in the 6.44 beta:
*) dhcpv6-server - recreate DHCPv6 server binding if it is no longer within prefix pool when rebinding/renewing;
That fix is for everything, but 6.44 only currently supports the attribute over DHCPv6, not PPP tunnelsDoes this mean 6.44 will finally support running a dual-stack PPPoE server with RADIUS auth? Or are these fixes still only for DHCP?
So PPPoE *client* will work as it did, but how about PPPoE *server* with DHCPv6 PD and Delegated-IPv6-Prefix attribute (which didn't work without workarounds like manually creating many pools)?Next 6.43 release and 6.44beta21 will contain fix for this problem. So PPPoE with DHCPv6 PD should work exactly the same as it did before v6.43.
manually create pools again? We need to create pools automatically with Radius for PPPoE.So PPPoE with DHCPv6 PD should work exactly the same as it did before v6.43.
+1manually create pools again? We need to create pools automatically with Radius for PPPoE.So PPPoE with DHCPv6 PD should work exactly the same as it did before v6.43.
Could you give a clear answer about Delegated-IPv6-Prefix support in PPPoE server? Will it work in 6.44 / 6.45 / 7.x ?Changes regarding pools are not reverted. Fix changes how "solicit" packet is processed received from DHCPv6 clients that didn't have "Rapid Commit" enabled.
The workaround may be fine when testing IPv6 on just a few customers, but doesn't scale well to hundreds/thousands of them.1) Add new pool with prefix that you want to assign to your PPPoE client;
2) Add new PPP profile and select this pool;
3) Send from RADIUS "Mikrotik-Group" parameter which is equal with this profile name.
This fix from 6.44beta is now supposedly in 6.43.4 but I am still having the same problem, whereas 6.42.7 worked fine. I'm wondering if they somehow accidentally left the fix out of 6.43.4 even though it is in the changelog. Can you test the behavior on your side with 6.43.4?I did a test yesterday, it worked again as it worked in version 6.42.7, but I still can not get radius to assign the pools, it is still necessary to create the pools in mikrotik. In my understanding nothing new, since the interests us is the full integration with the radius, not to create several pools in Mikrotik and only point these pools in radius.
We have been using a workaround for now, although I'm not sure whether it will work for everybody, if it does help someone I can post the script. We have a script that runs that turns any dynamic DHCPv6 PPPoE bindings into static bindings, so that if the customer disconnects and reconnects, they get the same lease. It also copies the pppoe interface name to the comment so that we know which user the binding is for.
Here it is - we run this every 5 minutes using the scheduler:Dear friend, I could post the script.
/ipv6 dhcp-server binding;
:foreach i in=[find server~"pppoe"] do={
make-static $i;
set $i comment=[get $i server];
set $i server=all;
Okay, thanks for the tip.Here it is - we run this every 5 minutes using the scheduler:Dear friend, I could post the script.
It works well and users always get the same prefix after disconnecting and reconnecting. It is really just a temporary solution for us until the better solution of Delegated-IPv6-Prefix becomes available.Code: Select all/ipv6 dhcp-server binding; :foreach i in=[find server~"pppoe"] do={ make-static $i; set $i comment=[get $i server]; set $i server=all; }
Because static bindings will be backed up with the router configuration backup by Oxidized, we can look in there to see what user has what binding.
I was also toying with the idea of writing a parser that would look through the backed up config from RouterOS and update RADIUS mysql accounting table with the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix, as though it were being given by RouterOS itself, as a workaround for the lack of accounting. However it wasn't a big deal for us because we only have a few PPPoE concentrators and we tunnel all customers back to these concentrators.
@saaremaa and @marekm is this workaround useful for you at all?
Code: Select all
/ipv6 dhcp-server export verbose file=IPv6LOG-PD
:log info message="enviando LOGIPV6PD por email"
:delay 5s
:global data [/system clock get date]
:global hora [/system clock get time]
:global nome [/system identity get name]
/tool e-mail send to="noc@empresa.com.br" subject="IPV6LOGPD $nome - $data às $hora" body="IPV6LGPD $nome realizado às $hora de $data." file=IPv6LOG-PD.rsc start-tls=yes
:log info message="backup do log PD enviado!"
In my case, this method will not help. It is required that the binding of the prefix to the client's account be in the billing and issued by the Radius attribute. This is a requirement of Roskomnadzor (Russia).@saaremaa and @marekm is this workaround useful for you at all?
Hang on. .. 2014 ?Unfortunately the team has not yet deployed the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix.
It is by these and others that people have been abandoning mikrotik.
I hope you're ashamed in the face.
We have been expecting this since 2014.
5 years waiting.
it's ridiculous!
Hello,Dear support, please tell me when the company MikroTik plans to implement the support of "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" radius attribute for PPP services?
saaremaa - What is the question here actually? Delegated-IPv6-Prefix is already working for DHCP service (RADIUS). Such parameter is not available yet for PPP service. If you make PPPoE server which then distributes addresses by using DHCP service, then this will not work since users are authenticated by using PPP service, not DHCP;
saaremaa - Sorry about that. I mixed both services together. We do support Delegated-IPv6-Prefix for DHCP service but not for PPP yet. It is in our plans to add support for this in the future;
Everyone coming out of RouterOS exactly because they have not yet deployed Delegated-IPv6-Prefix with PPPoE. This update of you is useless to the vast majority.viewtopic.php?f=21&t=145793&p=717609#p717667
saaremaa - What is the question here actually? Delegated-IPv6-Prefix is already working for DHCP service (RADIUS). Such parameter is not available yet for PPP service. If you make PPPoE server which then distributes addresses by using DHCP service, then this will not work since users are authenticated by using PPP service, not DHCP;
Nah. Requests for Delegated-IPv6-Prefix on PPPoE go back to ROS 3.x
And thats a decade ago.
It is just disregard of Mikrotiks customers.
vyos not support VPLSFor anyone looking for alternatives (on x86 hardware), VyOS now includes accel-ppp which supports Delegated-IPv6-Prefix.
For anyone looking for alternatives (on x86 hardware), VyOS now includes accel-ppp which supports Delegated-IPv6-Prefix.
Hi Pietro, glad to see you.Anyone tested on 6.45.x ?
15FR is on the site.Similar pattern as with CRS318 netPower reverse-PoE switches - still vapourware 10 months after first announced. Again, need to decide - wait for MT, or roll our own?
Thank you for your initiative...Hi guys, I was fighting with IPv6 deployment for few weeks. The authentication is PPPoE as in many other networks.
The main issue is that when customer got IPv6 delegated prefix from Mikrotik, we don't have control and information about the prefix that is assigned to end user. This is because Mikrotik doesn't support Radius based IPv6 assignment on PPPoE. In IPv4 it's fine, because there are Framed-IP-Address and Framed-Route attributes.
But in PPPoE with Radius, Delegated-Ipv6-Prefix is not accepted by Mikrotik, even if we send it from Radius. In accounting messages Mikrotik sends back to Radius Delegated-IPv6-Prefix attribute, so, we have extended our Radius and grab and save this information. But it's a sort of "hack" and regular FreeRadius doesn't support it.
I've created a petition, please vote for a proper Delegated-IPv6-Prefix support in Radius + PPPoE Mikrotik here - http://chng.it/v7Xjm42GsG
:delay 1000ms
:local interfaceName [/interface get $interface name]
#:log info [/interface get $interface name]
:local ipv6pd [/ipv6 route get [find gateway=$interfaceName] dst-address]
#:log info [/ipv6 route get [find gateway=$interfaceName] dst-address]
/ipv6 pool add name=$ipv6pd prefix=$ipv6pd prefix-length=56 comment=$interfaceName
/ipv6 dhcp-server add address-pool=$ipv6pd interface=$interface lease-time=52w name=$interfaceName comment=$interfaceName
:local interfaceName [/interface get $interface name]
/ipv6 dhcp-server remove [find interface=$interface]
/ipv6 pool remove [find comment=$interfaceName]
:delay 1000ms
:local interfaceName [/interface get $interface name]
:log info [/interface get $interface name]
:local ipv6pd [/ipv6 route get [find gateway=$interfaceName] dst-address]
:log info [/ipv6 route get [find gateway=$interfaceName] dst-address]
/ipv6 pool add name=$ipv6pd prefix=$ipv6pd prefix-length=63 comment=$user
/ipv6 dhcp-server add address-pool=$ipv6pd interface=$interface lease-time=52w name=$interfaceName comment=$user
/ipv6 dhcp-server remove numbers=[find comment=$user]
/ipv6 pool remove numbers=[find comment=$user]
I was using the dynamic interface name as a way of tracking as it is unique even if the same user authenticated twice eg. "<user>" and "<user-1>" as opposed to "user"I made little change, which works better for me .
With previous script, i have problem with deleting after disconnect
Code: Select all#IPv6Up :delay 1000ms :local interfaceName [/interface get $interface name] :log info [/interface get $interface name] :local ipv6pd [/ipv6 route get [find gateway=$interfaceName] dst-address] :log info [/ipv6 route get [find gateway=$interfaceName] dst-address] /ipv6 pool add name=$ipv6pd prefix=$ipv6pd prefix-length=63 comment=$user /ipv6 dhcp-server add address-pool=$ipv6pd interface=$interface lease-time=52w name=$interfaceName comment=$user #IPv6Down /ipv6 dhcp-server remove numbers=[find comment=$user] /ipv6 pool remove numbers=[find comment=$user]
Unreleted to this thread,this is only temporary solution.
Now i trying, how to put on ppp tunnel public adress , in past i have problems with some web pages in case when i use MTU 1480
Very nice but still not "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" attribute... Or I'm wrong?What's new in 6.48beta12 (2020-Jul-06 13:33):
*) ppp - added "ipv6-routes" parameter to "secrets" menu;
*) ppp - added support for "Framed-IPv6-Route" RADIUS attribute;
*) ppp - allow specifying pool name for "remote-ipv6-prefix-pool" parameter;
Hello Fellow "IPv6 / PPPoE / DHCPv6-PD / Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" waiters,
PD is still not an option with Mikrotik in combination with PPPoE. But, there is a But. the Framed-IPv6-Route attribute allows you to forward a delegated prefix to be forwarded to the customer site, only bad thing the customer or IT engineer needs to configure IPv6 manually.
This is something I can live with, but, 80% of my customers wants IPv6, but doesn't even know how to connect the UTP cable on the WAN port. So for them I am still waiting for PD.
@Mikrotik, please, all of your ISP Customers which endorse your product because of the simplicity and pricing of course. Please add DHCPv6-PD to PPPoE
Kind regards,
Ex Cisco BRAS user which loves Mikrotik when its support PD![]()
By passing with Radius the Prefix, in more than one customer?The "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" is now working on 6.48.1! Prefixes are being delegated to the clients, apparently.
In case of accounting, I got it ( using the Pool defined in mikrotik, or the one by Radius ( just ONE!!!) but with the MAC address intead of the username:But, the accounting packet (Router -> RADIUS) doesn't contains "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" attribute. Do anyone managed to have this working?
Ah... understoodI
By passing with Radius the Prefix, in more than one customer?
Because I did test it an got duplicated pool error, as I stated above in red.
How did you make it?
This happens only if you use "dhcp" on RADIUS client configuration. Keep only "ppp" option and the MAC Address accounting is never sent.In case of accounting, I got it ( using the Pool defined in mikrotik, or the one by Radius ( just ONE!!!) but with the MAC address intead of the username:
# username, callingstationid, framedipaddress, framedipv6prefix, delegatedipv6prefix
'64:D1:54:76:20:F0', '64d1547620f0', '', '', '2803:2300:c000::/48'
'adsl-agallo', '64:D1:54:76:20:F0', '', '2803:2300:7000::/64', ''
We are waiting from years for this feature!!!Ah... understoodI
By passing with Radius the Prefix, in more than one customer?
Because I did test it an got duplicated pool error, as I stated above in red.
How did you make it?
I've tested with only one "user". I'll test again later.
This happens only if you use "dhcp" on RADIUS client configuration. Keep only "ppp" option and the MAC Address accounting is never sent.In case of accounting, I got it ( using the Pool defined in mikrotik, or the one by Radius ( just ONE!!!) but with the MAC address intead of the username:
# username, callingstationid, framedipaddress, framedipv6prefix, delegatedipv6prefix
'64:D1:54:76:20:F0', '64d1547620f0', '', '', '2803:2300:c000::/48'
'adsl-agallo', '64:D1:54:76:20:F0', '', '2803:2300:7000::/64', ''
When MikroTik get this to work (send Delegated-IPv6-Prefix related to username from "ppp"), this problem will be resolved.
Thanks, give us your results pls!Ah... understoodI
By passing with Radius the Prefix, in more than one customer?
Because I did test it an got duplicated pool error, as I stated above in red.
How did you make it?
I've tested with only one "user". I'll test again later.
It's Ok this way, so you can get the 'link' address of the CPE (just as IPv4) and the Pool of the 'internal network' but with the MAC.This happens only if you use "dhcp" on RADIUS client configuration. Keep only "ppp" option and the MAC Address accounting is never sent.In case of accounting, I got it ( using the Pool defined in mikrotik, or the one by Radius ( just ONE!!!) but with the MAC address intead of the username:
# username, callingstationid, framedipaddress, framedipv6prefix, delegatedipv6prefix
'64:D1:54:76:20:F0', '64d1547620f0', '', '', '2803:2300:c000::/48'
'adsl-agallo', '64:D1:54:76:20:F0', '', '2803:2300:7000::/64', ''
When MikroTik get this to work (send Delegated-IPv6-Prefix related to username from "ppp"), this problem will be resolved.
Hi ntmanxp, It doesnt work for me.Hi there. Yeah 6.48.1 Works, BUT you can't have 2 customers with this attribute, as far I tested.
adsl-3333 Delegated-Ipv6-Prefix =2103:2003:c000::/48
adsl-3333 Framed-IPv6-Prefix =2103:2003:7000::/64
adsl-4444 Delegated-Ipv6-Prefix =2103:2003:c001::/48
adsl-4444 Framed-IPv6-Prefix =2103:2003:7001::/64
First user get the DHCP-Server like:
/ipv6 dhcp-server print
Flags: D - dynamic, X - disabled, I - invalid
0 D <pppoe-adsl-pruebausuario4> <pppoe-adsl-pruebausuario4> IPV6_pool_Delegado 255 3d
1 D <pppoe-adsl-3333> static-only 255 1m
BUT the second customer is refused to connect with this message:
"pppoe,ppp,error could not add dhcpv6 server with pool : server with such name already exists (7)"
Any Ideas?
Hi ntmanxp, It doesnt work for me.Hi there. Yeah 6.48.1 Works, BUT you can't have 2 customers with this attribute, as far I tested.
adsl-3333 Delegated-Ipv6-Prefix =2103c000::/48
adsl-3333 Framed-IPv6-Prefix =21037000::/64
adsl-4444 Delegated-Ipv6-Prefix =2103c001::/48
adsl-4444 Framed-IPv6-Prefix =21037001::/64
First user get the DHCP-Server like:
/ipv6 dhcp-server print
Flags: D - dynamic, X - disabled, I - invalid
0 D <pppoe-adsl-pruebausuario4> <pppoe-adsl-pruebausuario4> IPV6_pool_Delegado 255 3d
1 D <pppoe-adsl-3333> static-only 255 1m
BUT the second customer is refused to connect with this message:
"pppoe,ppp,error could not add dhcpv6 server with pool : server with such name already exists (7)"
Any Ideas?
If i use the Delegated-Ipv6-Prefix radius parameter, the DHCPv6 server stay in waiting mode and never assign the prefix to the customer.
If I remove the Delegated-Ipv6-Prefix the customer get one prefix from the pool and it works!
Could you tell me how you configure it?
Thanks in advance!
username Cleartext-Password := "********"
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Delegated-IPv6-Prefix = 2001:db8:27b::/56,
Framed-IPv6-Prefix = 2001:db8:27b:100::/64,
Framed-IP-Address =
Even ROSv7 is not supporting...I'm not brave enough to try ROS v7 yet - or should I?
`Even ROSv7 is not supporting...Delegated-IPv6-Prefix RADIUS attribute support for PPPoE server still not working in 6.49.6?
I'm not brave enough to try ROS v7 yet - or should I?![]()
`Hi there. Yeah 6.48.1 Works, BUT you can't have 2 customers with this attribute, as far I tested.
BUT the second customer is refused to connect with this message:
"pppoe,ppp,error could not add dhcpv6 server with pool : server with such name already exists (7)"
`I'm having the same problem here, i get ipv6 and ipv6-pd but the valid_lft is 60 seconds.I'm fine with this feature except "Expire Time" which is one minute and I don't know how to prolong it... I tried RADIUS attributes, pppoe profile, but no effect...
`I see the same thing: lease time is only 60 seconds long. It would be nice to be able to adjust it, but in practice it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. Client has to renew every 30 seconds, but oh well...
username Cleartext-Password := "passw0rd"
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Delegated-IPv6-Prefix = 2001:db8:abcd::/56,
Framed-IPv6-Prefix = 2001:db8:abcd:100::/64,
Framed-IP-Address =
`While I agree that is bad behavior, there is a case to be made against using dynamic pools for PD: https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-690
`What is the current status of this long-requested feature in latest ROS 7?
`So, I see now after testing a bit more that there is a problem. It's actually not a problem with the 60 seconds, though. The problem is that, 10 seconds after lease renewal happens, the IP addresses assigned from the pool briefly go "invalid" and then back to "valid" again. At the same time, "IPv6 address changed" is logged, even if the addresses didn't change at all. During this brief blip (1-2 seconds), forwarding of v6 traffic for those IPs on those interfaces is briefly interrupted.
This is Bad(tm). But it doesn't just happen with the IPs that have 60 second lease time. It happens with any DHCPv6-assigned IPs, right after they are renewed. So even when you have 3 day lease times for PD prefixes, after 36 hours pass, there will be brief 1-2 second outage.