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Export ENTIRE configuration

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:25 pm
by KBoris
Hi guys. I have 40 pcs AP lite routers. I made configuration on one of this and now I would like to distribute this configuration to other 39 router. I try with backup, but this is not OK, becouse I take MAC address from configured router, also after backup restore SSID on is set to default, DHCP not working.... I try also with export but when I import to next router have the previous symptoms....incorrect SSID, no passwords for users, router is set to CPE....... I read this manuals ... gement.php but unfortuantely nothing works as I expect !!!!

Any idea how to solve my problem?

Re: Export ENTIRE configuration

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:07 pm
by troffasky
You need to export your source configuration and use that as a basis for writing a script that recreates the configuration you want on the target unit. If you've got 39 units to configure then it's worth spending time to get it right. As you've discovered, you probably want to omit the parts of the configuration that might rewrite the MAC address. Your script will need to include commands that remove the default bits of config that you don't want and create the users [ie set admin password]. This guy explains it in more detail: . You might like to compare the output of '/export' and '/export compact'.

Once you have you configuration then you can bulk-apply it with

There's also this method described by Normis:

Another useful tool for config editing: [although not sure how well it works with recent additions to routeros].

Also, are you aware that you can use the hAP lite with CAPsMAN?

Re: Export ENTIRE configuration

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:57 pm
by KBoris
@troffasky, thank you for your explanation. I will try sugested and will report.

Best regards

Re: Export ENTIRE configuration SOLVED

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:05 pm
by KBoris
Yes, this is solution. Many, many THANKS :wink:

1. connect to the default with FTP and upload your RSC text file
2. run command "/system reset no-defaults=yes run-after-reset=filename.rsc